Learn Tamil in an outstanding school
where language and culture come together.
From 3-Year Kinder to VCE.
Bharathi Academy is acknowledged as a global leader in imparting Tamil as a second language.
Bharathi Academy has 6 campuses in Melbourne.
Also we provide several online courses for students across the world.We integrate an engaging curriculum with smart technology to enhance the learning experience.

பாரதி பள்ளியில், ஒவ்வொரு மூன்று பேருக்கும் ஒருவர் வீதம், VCE பரீட்சையில் 40க்கு மேற்பட்ட புள்ளிகளைப் பெற்றுள்ளனர் (raw score)!
ஒவ்வொரு மாணவருக்கும், உரிய கவனிப்பு என்னும் கொள்கையின் பயன் இது.
VCE யில் தமிழ் படியுங்கள்!
Look forward to an unforgettable theatrical experience – SILAPATHIKARAM, Tamil Traditional Theatre in simple Tamil with English interpretation.
Repeat performance: Feb 8 at the Drum Theatre, Dandenong.

Bharathi Academy is trusted by thousands of parents in Australia and globally.

We are a not for profit school, registered with ACNC in Australia as a charity.
Our Campuses in Melbourne
Bharathi Academy has five campuses in Melbourne located at: Berwick, Clayton, Dandenong, East Burwood and South Morang. We are accredited by the Department of Education and follow the Victorian Curriculum for LOTE.
Tamil Online Worldwide
Bharathi Academy offers online Tamil lessons for students worldwide. Students have the opportunity to learn in a prestigious Tamil school with 30 years of successful track record. Expert teachers help students to reach their goals.
Spoken Tamil Online
Learn to speak Tamil fluently. Guided by successful teachers from an experienced school, you will learn fast. Available worldwide for children over 6 years and adults.
Bharathi Academy has been successfully preparing students for the VCE over the past 25 years. High quality VCE program is offered at our following campuses: Berwick, Dandenong, East Burwood & South Morang.
A key strength lies in our team teaching approach, ensuring comprehensive and effective learning. Over the years, Bharathi Academy students have consistently achieved top results in examinations. Join us on the path to academic success!
உங்கள் பிள்ளை மகிழ்ச்சியாகவும் வியக்கத்தக்க வகையிலும் தமிழ் கற்க,
பாரதி பள்ளிக்கு வாருங்கள்!
உன்னதமான பாட நெறி. தன்னிகரற்ற தரமும், கவர்ச்சியும் கொண்ட பாடங்கள், பயிற்சிகள்…
பல்வேறு பாரம்பரியப் பின்னணிகளைக் கொண்ட பிள்ளைகளும், பெற்றோரும், ஆசிரியர்களும்
தமிழால் ஒன்றிைணையும், இணையற்ற பள்ளி.
Our Assurance: Steady Progress. Sense of Achievement. Happy students.
Bharathi Academy is more than a Tamil School…
Our students present three high-quality theatre performances every year.
‘Let’s Play Tamil’
– An exciting and innovative annual event. A world-first.
Annual Athletics Meet is a major annual event everyone looks forward to.