Bharathi Academy is a ‘Child Safe’ school.
We provide our students a secure, friendly and pleasant environment to learn.
We are proud about our negligible ‘drop out’ rate.
Our students are motivated and happy because they achieve.
An innovative Tamil school for Victoria and the world
Bharathi Academy was born in 1994 in Melbourne as a not for profit entity. Since its inception, Bharathi academy has set the pace for Tamil language education in Victoria through its innovative actions and activities. With the introduction of our Online Campus, we now operate worldwide.
In 1995, within an year of inauguration, Bharathi Academy proudly released the first ever videos for children in Tamil. The three volumes of these videos mesmerised thousands of children across the world.
Bharathi Academy Tamil School is fully accredited
Bharathi Academy is proud to be one of the first ethnic schools in the state of Victoria to be fully accredited by the Department of Education & Training. Our Tamil school is also an accredited provider of LOTE Tamil for VCE. Our students have achieved top VCE results in a consistent manner.
Bharathi Academy Tamil school provides face to face and online Tamil classes to students.
We promote human values and encourage good behavior, mutual respect and discipline.
Students join Tamil language classes from the tender age of 3. This is our ‘star’ program.
Worldwide online classes
Bharathi Academy has taken another big step forward by launching worldwide Online classes. “Tamil For Every Tamil Child” is our motto.
Our Commitment
- engendering a love for the Tamil Language
- achieving exceptional academic success
- providing a challenging, tolerant and supportive environment
- fostering confidence, responsibility and self-discipline
- cultivating integrity and mutual respect
- developing effective leadership skills
- meeting the challenges of the future